Program Highlights

Arbor DayNiles North Group

In April 2017, the Village was honored for the opportunity to work with the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center and the Chicago Botanic Garden to plant Terezin seedlings at three local high schools to celebrate Arbor Day. The seedlings are descendant trees from a tree planted by children living in a concentration camp in Czechoslovakia. The children gave up water rations to water their beloved tree and enjoyed seeing it grow. Tragically, the children later perished in Auschwitz. Their bravery and story lives on through these trees. There are more than 600 Terezin trees planted around the world.

Arbor Day is celebrated each year in late April and all are welcome to attend.

Natural Lawn Care

Did you know that Skokie is committed to reducing pesticides? In-house staff is trained and licensed in Integrated Pest Management (IPM). IPM is a program that focuses on cultural control of insects, diseases, and weeds in order to reduce pesticide usage. In 2016 a Village contractor received a merit award with sustainable honors from the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association (ILCA) for their natural lawn care work at Village Hall and Village Green. So bring your family and enjoy a safe space to read a library book or attend a concert on our Village Green!

Channel Park Tree Walk

Learn to identify trees or decide what tree to plant in your yard!  Thanks to a generous donation from the Skokie Garden Club, there are nearly 100 trees labeled in Channel Park.  Take your smart phone and take a photo of the QR code sign located at all parking lots. tree walk

World Environment Day

On June 5, 2019, Skokie celebrated World Environment Day by planting several trees at Channel Park.World Environment Day