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Neighborhood Watch Interest Form

    Emergency 9-1-1 Non-Emergency 847/982-5900 Email: Crime Tip Hotline: 847/933-TIPS(8477) Text-a-Tip: text "Skokie" and your tip to 847411
  2. Skokie Cupola Logo 2023
  3. What is neighborhood watch?
    The Skokie Police Department Neighborhood Watch Program is seeking volunteers to serve as the lead contact on their block for crime prevention efforts coordinated by the Skokie Police Crime Prevention Unit. Together we can increase safety by reducing the opportunity or crime in your area, but we need your help! Please contact the crime prevention unit at 847/982-5919 or 847/982-5922.
  4. Are you willing to organize the neighbors on your street and host a start-up meeting to discuss the program and its benefits?*
  5. Do you know any other Skokie resident that may be interested in serving as a neighborhood watch block captain?
  6. For Office Use Only:
  7. Officer:
  8. STAR/Employee #:
  9. Supervisor:
  10. STAR/Employee #:
  11. Leave This Blank:

  12. This field is not part of the form submission.