Free Parkway Tree Planting

Trees provide a myriad of economic, environmental, and health benefits.  Trees lower air conditioning costs and increase property sale values.  They clean our air and prevent stormwater runoff.  Numerous studies have shown trees improve our physical and mental health.  Planting a tree is a tangible thing you can do to prevent climate change.

To encourage more parkway tree planting, the Village is waiving fees for the previous 50/50 share cost parkway tree planting program. Free parkway trees are available for houses, multi-unit residential buildings, businesses, religious congregations, schools and other properties.

The free parkway trees are being offered in cooperation with the Sustainable Environmental Advisory and Beautification & Improvement Commissions to recover tree canopy losses throughout the Village because of trees that had to be removed due to Emerald Ash borer damage.

If you are interested in having a free parkway tree planted on your property, please call the Public Works Forestry Division at 847/933-8427. Supplies are limited and will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis. A Village forester will evaluate the parkway to determine if there is adequate space for a tree. Eligible property owners will receive a list of available tree choices, and will be required to water the tree for two years.

planting crew