When will the switch to once-weekly refuse pickup occur?

As announced in the spring edition of NewSkokie, residential refuse collection transitioned to once-weekly on May 1, 2023.

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1. What is once-weekly refuse collection?
2. When will the switch to once-weekly refuse pickup occur?
3. What day will be my refuse collection?
4. Does once-weekly refuse collection apply to commercial customers?
5. Why is the Village switching to once-weekly refuse collection?
6. What are the benefits of transitioning to once-weekly refuse collection?
7. Why should I recycle when only a small amount is recycled when it gets to the sorting plant?
8. Will this increase environmental health concerns such as unpleasant odors and pest nuisances?
9. What if I have more trash than fits in the toter?
10. Can I request a second toter?
11. How can I reduce the amount of refuse from my household?
12. Who can I contact if I have additional questions?
13. Will the Village’s quarterly refuse fee change with the onset of once-weekly refuse collection?