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1. When will my alley be graded?
2. My backyard floods - what can the Village do to help me?
3. Are all streets in the Village under Village jurisdiction?
4. Who do I report a damaged or a burnt out street or alley light to?
5. Will the Village provide lighting for the alley behind my home?
6. Do you have any advice on how I can avoid or deal with frozen pipes?

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1. Does the Village prune the parkway tree in front of my home?
2. Does the Village have a parkway tree planting program?
3. Is Dutch Elm Disease active in Skokie?
4. Does the Village provide any cost sharing to treat Dutch Elm Disease?
5. What is the Village doing to control the Emerald Ash Borer?
6. How often should I water my trees during dry periods?

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1. What should I do if my refuse or recycling cart is damaged?
2. When will my refuse cart be emptied?
3. When is yard waste collected?
4. How should materials be prepared for collection?
5. Where can I recycle my CFL bulbs?
6. Does the Skokie Health Department offer recycling opportunities?

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1. When does the Village plow my street? Sidewalk? Alley?
2. What should I do with my car if it is parking on the street while I'm on vacation or at work and it snows?
3. Can I park on either side of the street once the street is plowed?
4. My vehicle was towed due to a violation of the alternate-side parking program. Where can I pick it up?
5. Why is snow pushed into my driveway by snowplows?
6. Every time a snowplow comes down my alley, it plows the snow up against my garage and I have to shovel out. Why does this happen?
7. I have a serious medical condition. Can you plow my street first in case there is an emergency and an ambulance needs to get through?
8. My garbage has not been picked up yet, even though it's my regular collection day. When will it be picked up?
9. Are all streets in the Village under Village jurisdiction?
10. Are there streets that are exempt from snow parking provisions?

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1. How often are streets swept?
2. How often are the residential streets swept?
3. When will the street sweeper be in my area?
4. Will my paved alley be swept?
5. How often are the multi-family areas swept?
6. I live in a multi-family area. Will I receive notification about street sweeping?
7. If I live in a multi-family area and don’t move my car, will I be ticketed?
8. Does the Village sweep any other areas besides the residential and multi-family streets?
9. How do I get my leaves collected in the fall?