Emergency Supply Kits

A disaster of almost any kind may interfere with your normal supplies of food, water, heat and other day-to-day necessities. Keep a stock of emergency supplies on hand sufficient to meet your needs for a week. If you stay at home during the disaster, these supplies could help you live through the period of emergency without hardship. If you must evacuate your home and move temporarily to another location, your emergency supplies could be taken with you.

Emergency Kit Supplies

Be prepared for weather-related emergencies by having an emergency kit in both your auto and home. At a minimum the kit should include the following:

  • Copy of prescriptions and an emergency supply of medication taken on a daily basis.
  • Extra car keys
  • Extra credit cards or travelers checks
  • First aid kit
  • Flashlight with spare batteries
  • Non–perishable food and a bottle of water
  • Phone numbers of relative, physicians, etc.
  • Portable battery-operated radio with spare batteries
  • Small tool kit, flares for an auto
  • Spare cell phone battery
  • Warm clothing and a blanket
  • Writing materials