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Application for Contractor Registration

    Community Development Department - Building Division - 5127 Oakton Street - Skokie, IL 60077 - Phone: (847) 933-8223
  2. Skokie Cupola Logo 2023
  3. If a project contains multiple contractors only the general contractor must be registered and provide a surety bond. This would apply to a new single-family home, residential addition or alteration, commercial alteration, detached garage, etc. All electrical and plumbing contractors are still required to submit a copy of a current license.
  4. If a project contains one contractor or no general contractor, than those contractors must be registered and provide a surety bond. This would apply to a sidewalk replacement, electrical service upgrade, deck installation, sewer or plumbing repair, etc.
  5. Contractor Registration Fee and Bond Table
  6. Registration Fee
  7. Bond
  8. General Contractor
  9. $100
  10. $20,000
  11. Excavator
  12. $50
  13. $10,000
  14. Cement Contractor
  15. $50
  16. $10,000
  17. Mason Contractor
  18. $50
  19. $10,000
  20. Carpenter
  21. $50
  22. $10,000
  23. Heating Contractor
  24. $50
  25. $10,000
  26. Fire Sprinkler Contractor
  27. $50
  28. $10,000
  29. Other (Sign, Tent, Dumpster, etc.)
  30. $50
  31. $10,000
  32. Plumbing Contractor*
  33. Current State License (058)
  34. Current State Bond (055)
  35. Electrical Contractor
  36. Current License from a testing community
  37. $10,000
  38. * Plumbing contractors must submit an original letter of intent for each project they are affiliated with.
  40. This registration, if issued, is under the condition that the contractor understands all applicable codes of the Village of Skokie and agrees to abide by such code(s).
  41. Electronic Signature Agreement*
    By checking the "I agree" box below, you agree and acknowledge that 1) your application will not be signed in the sense of a traditional paper document, 2) by signing in this alternate manner, you authorize your electronic signature to be valid and binding upon you to the same force and effect as a handwritten signature, and 3) you may still be required to provide a traditional signature at a later date.
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